And make meaningful progression with every session. So that you can have fun with friends even when you don’t have that much time. ▶ COMPLETE A MATCH IN JUST 15 MINUTES: A smart shooter experience that’s tailored for your goals and schedules.

You’ll learn to adapt your tactics and set-up to win, based on your opposition and the changing objectives. How your team does in the first phase will impact the setup of the next one.

▶ THREE EVOLVING PHASES: With three phases, your actions and decisions have consequences during – and even after – each shift. No matter how good your reflexes, working as a team always gives you the edge. ▶ NEW 3V3V3 FPS: The 3v3v3 gameplay & the changing objectives constantly shift the dynamics – preventing repetition and keeping everyone on their toes. Even if you have only 15 minutes to spare, Nine to Five gives you a chance to find your role in the team. Early access players will have an arsenal of 19 distinct, customizable weapons to unlock, as well as several gadgets to help them test their skills across two maps and three game modes - each offering unique layouts with dynamic goals that evolve with each round. Customize your rig to suit the task at hand. How each phase ends influences how the next one starts – so you always need to be ready to adapt your approach. In each intense shift, three teams of three battle against each other to complete their client’s objectives. To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website. Nine to Five is a free to play 3v3v3 first-person shooter (in early access) for PC (Steam platform), set in a near-future where corporations rule everything and being a mercenary is just another job… but this time you will need more than pure reflexes to get the job done. The following file is available for download: Download the hotfix package now.